Ecstatic Kitchen- Turmeric Mate

So I am a warm beverage fiend, sucker for a spot o' tea and also kind of obsessed with turmeric. Of all the ways I have tried making my mate in the morning, this one might be my favorite. 


Frothy Turmeric Mate


  • Loose leaf mate
  • Ground Turmeric
  • Maple syrup
  • Coconut Oil


  • Place mate in your french press and add hot water. press to make the tea. 
  • Add mate to a blender with about 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, a nice amount of turmeric and just a bit of maple syrup.
  • Blend until frothy.
  • Enjoy delightfully

What I have heard...(i am not an expert but have friends who are)

  • Mate has lots of antioxidants and can really help with the midday crashes of other caffeine. It can also suppress appetite so be careful with its usage.
  • Coconut oil has antibacterial qualities and can also be great for lubricating the body and is an antiviral. BUT if you are allergic to coconut well, um, don't eat it. 
  • Turmeric is an anti fungal, anti bacterial, high antioxidant, anti inflammatory wonder. 
  • Making sure you have enough fat in your diet early enough in the day helps with weight, mood, cravings. 
  • I also know that morning ritual is a key to a happy and creative life. 


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